Youtube thumbnails
Crying in my car:
For crying in my car, i was given a lot of free reign to do whatever i wanted with the thumbnail. often getting suggestions from the hosts that got more and more intense as time went on, it really gave me a chance to play with photoshop and create intricate scenes. 
Teachers off Duty:
Teachers off duty wanted a quite specific vision in mind for their thumbnails, so working with the client was crucial in making their thumbnails. Their focus was creating a repeatable design that was coherent, text heavy, and was similar to shows that shared the same topics while also remaining unique. 
Internal Videos:
For our internal projects, namely Start from scratch, i was told to have a major focus on photography, so ensuring the photos were perfect was a must. I took most of the photos that were used for the thumbnails, thus these often implemented my skills in both editing and shooting photographs. 
Social media Posts
Our social media posts were focused on promoting different shows that we would produce. Therefore it had a big focus on text and quotes from the show. There was also a big focus on editing the photos making sure that the colors and clarity of the photos were perfect.

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